25 May 2012

Free webinars to promote open access publication across Ireland

NECOBELAC and its partners will deliver two free webinars in Open Access Publication next month:

Webinar 1, (8 June 2012, 11am – 12pm): “Open access publishing: policies, advocacy and best practices”

Webinar 2, (22 June 2012, 11am – 12 pm): “Repositories: management, policies, advocacy and best practices”

To register for Webinar 1, click here

The webinars will consist of a 30 min presentation followed by an opportunity for participants to post questions and comments to the chat room.

As I have been fortunate enough to be involved in NECOBELAC training events recently, I can recommend the above as an excellent (and free!) opportunity to learn more about open access publishing and archiving, and to discuss how to promote it effectively to the research community.


  1. This is what's needed - people with clout taking the open access message seriously: see http://bit.ly/Kzrila

  2. Thanks Anne - yes it seems that journal subscriptions and open access is reaching a tipping point at last, so hopefully the momentum will continue.
