3 Jan 2013

A Year to Improved Productivity for Librarians and Academic Researchers

An online knowledge management and productivity course courtesy of Mary Axford and Crystal Renfro from the Academic Personal Knowledge Management blog. One for the calendars of 23 Things fans and New Year's resolutionists! For more information, visit their blog.

“A Year to Improved Productivity for Librarians and Academic Researchers”. 
The course will consist of 26 lessons; one lesson will be posted every two weeks on our blog. Inspired by Helene Blowers’ 23 Things and created from an idea by Crystal Renfro, each lesson will consist of background on the topic, suggested readings, and exercises. Each lesson should not take more than an hour or two to complete.

What will be covered?
The lessons fall into one of three sections: (1) How to Improve Productivity, with lessons including What is PKM, Attention and Focus, Calendars, Productivity Apps, and Notebook software; (2) How to Create an Efficient Academic Workflow, with lessons including the Concept of Academic Workflow, Citation Software, Alerting Services, and Mindmaps; and (3) How to Develop a Learning Network, which includes lessons What is a Learning Network, Which Social Network Tool is for You, Effective Online Professional Image; and Tools Facilitating Further Training to name only a few of the topics planned.


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