Reposted from the CMG mailing list:
As you know on March 31st 2013 the British library, the Library of Congress, and many other institutions will adopt RDA as their cataloguing content standard. This will result in a massive increase in the number of RDA records in circulation and will present issues for all us, regardless of whether our own libraries switch to using RDA.
In anticipation of that I thought it worthwhile flagging three RDA training resources you might find useful.
Firstly I would like to draw your attention to the Library of Congress’ freely available training resources:
Secondly, Trinity College Library Dublin is committed to adopting RDA and we are currently at the beginning of a six week retraining programme based around the LC materials. We have restructured it slightly and I have published our schedule on a blog which I have created:
If you are looking for company as you learn RDA please join us and post any comments/questions you might have. I will be publishing weekly updates with advice about the best way to navigate the training materials.
Thirdly, the Cataloguing & Indexing Group (CIG) of CILIP is running a Practical RDA Cataloguing E-forum on 24th-25th October 2012. This will involve creating sample RDA records which will then be discussed during the forum. More information can be found here:
I urge you register as they have also negotiated a training subscription to the RDA Toolkit for all participants. The ALA is actually very open to setting up training subscriptions and it is also something you can do on an individual basis.
Lastly, remember that March 31st is not a deadline – the cataloguing world will not suddenly en masse adopt RDA. We have always worked in a hybrid environment and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. However, as cataloguers we can still focus on updating our own skill set as we wait for institutional buy-in and support. In the meantime – happy cataloguing!
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