17 Jun 2012

#irelibchat Agenda June 21st 7pm - Continuing Professional Development

Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll for the first #irelibchat topic - CPD topped the poll with performance measurement in second place. Below is a draft 'agenda' for the Twitter chat based on the feedback and ideas we have received from tweets and emails - if you have any other questions you'd like to add, post a comment or Tweet us @libfocus.

1. How much time do you spend on CPD – both formally and informally? Do you view CPD as an important part of your job?

2. What LIS journals do you find most valuable for keeping up to date?

3. Which web applications and social tools do you find helpful for CPD? Do you find social media is an effective tool for CPD (e.g. 23 things etc.)?

4. What are the main barriers you find in relation to CPD – Financial Cost? Travelling? Time? Staffing Commitments? Are there ways around these e.g. online delivery, leveraging ‘in-house’ expertise to run low cost courses?

5. What are the key current skills required in LIS? How have you acquired and developed these?

6. What are the emerging, future skill requirements in LIS? Are there sufficient CPD opportunities out there to help information professionals develop these, or does the profession need to start offering 'new' kinds of training e.g. data curation and management?

Thanks again for all the tweets and feedback - hopefully it will be the first #irelibchat of many. We will be archiving tweets for those who can't make it in realtime also. And don't forget the #irelibchat hashtag!


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