12 May 2017

Four librarian seminars in May and June

Once again I trawled the Web for some free Webinars that might be of interest to you too. The first of the four listed below considers the possible impact of artificial intelligence, shopping trends and live game streaming on library services. Number two discusses case studies in academic libraries that have highly impacted service provision and patron outreach. The third Webinar reports on innovation initiatives of public libraries driven by their constituent communities. The last online event is a mini-conference on Fake News within the context of digital literacy competencies.

High-impact library services & outreach: student success to systematic reviews
Thursday, 18th May, 4pm – 5pm IST
In this Webinar librarians share their inspiration and process for developing high-impact library services. The head of research and instructional services at a university library will discuss how she and her team are aligning library instruction with high-impact educational practices to increase engagement and retention. The head of a medical library serving a spectrum of healthcare professionals will describe the development and evolution of a systematic review service. And a law librarian shares how he helps faculty increase productivity and get published faster using an open access repository of abstracts and preprints/working papers.

Emerging Tech Trends in Libraries
Tuesday, 23rd May, 10am 8pm – 9pm IST
Topics for this part 7 webinar include:
  • How Artificial Intelligence continues to surprise us (Corporate audits, corporate directors, Pinterest, Humanitarian use, Legal and health care, Predicting what you’ll buy)
  • Shopping trends (Omni and multi-channel shopping, Even more mobile, Uber-ization of deliveries, Goodbye wallets)
  • Live game streaming, Video is the new blogging, Sensors, Data storage gets really, really cheap, 3D printing is exploding
This webinar will be of interest to staff in all types of libraries interested in emerging technology trends and how they might affect libraries and/or their patrons.

Libraries as Innovation Hubs: Community Driven Design
Wednesday, 31st May, 11am – 12pm IST
Public libraries are hubs for innovation and community engagement. Library workers must listen closely to community needs to design programs and services responsive to continuous changes in technology and fluctuations in funding. This free webinar will showcase two examples of collaborative design events used in public libraries to generate ideas, build community, and solve problems.

Library 2.017: Digital Literacy & Fake News
Thursday, 1st June, 20pm – 23pm IST
In this Library 2.107 mini-conference, we start with the foundational relationship of libraries and librarians to media, information, and now digital literacy, and then we ask some pointed questions. How should library and information professionals address the issues of fake news, propaganda, and biased research? What technical skills are required for critical thinking in the digital age? As learners increasingly move from just consuming information to also socially producing it, what are the new requisite skills of critical thinking and decision-making? What are appropriate uses for social media when conducting research? What is digital citizenship in a global, globally-diverse, and often globally-fragmented world? What work on digital literacy is available, what frameworks already support these efforts, what are the perspectives of the leading thinkers?


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