Extracting real value from social media with analytics
Tuesday, 22 April 2014, 6pm – 7pm (Irish Standard Time)
Learn how social media analytics can help you achieve a 360-degree customer view by transforming “Big Data” from millions of online sources into valuable insights. Go beyond just listening to uncover patterns and trends in attitudes and sentiment from particular segments, identify relationships and affinities associated with your product or brand, and discover evolving topics that can open the doors to new market opportunities.
Attendees will learn how to:
- Capture unstructured data, including text and emoticons, and transform it into actionable insight via text analytics and sentiment analysis
- Incorporate social media data with other data types, including survey research, demographics and transactional detail, to achieve a 360-degree view of your customers and anticipate what they are likely to do next
- Get started, including a social media analytics framework to assess where you are today and how to progress to the next step, with real-stories of organisations that have taken the journey from "just listening" to gaining true ROI
Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 6 – 7pm IST
Libraries generally avoid a one-size-fits-all customer service philosophy because library users have diverse needs and interests. However, anticipating and responding to special needs can yield a patchwork or panicked approach.
The concepts of Universal Design (UD) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) have application in the public library setting. Using the UDL research-based framework, examine how a range of library users might engage and access library spaces and services. Learn how to think about what makes your library truly welcoming to all people, beyond an automatic door opener.
This webinar can benefit all public library and library system staff, especially those who work with special populations.
For more information about Serving Special Populations, visit http://pld.dpi.wi.gov/pld_ssp
Note - Internet Explorer is the preferred browser for this platform (Java required). No registration is required for this webinar.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 6 – 7:30pm IST
Discover what is new with the latest release of Windows and how it will help you in everyday business tasks, wherever and whenever you need it. The consistent and new interface for your PC, phone and tablet computing and the new tools and applications that will enable you to get things done will be demonstrated.
The latest version of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, cloud connectivity, and built-in apps working together will be some of the tips shared.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 8pm – 9pm IST
Is traffic at your reference desk disappearing? How do you reach out to the users who make use of your library’s power and Internet access – but not your human resources? How can your library support flipped learning without going getting sucked down a MOOC-shaped black hole? Can librarians maintain their brand as information experts in the age of pervasive connectedness?
Portable Internet devices and persistent access to online resources is changing the way people learn. With that come significant shifts to the way people use library spaces and services. Rather than fearing this disruption, libraries should lean into the change.
Through mobile library services, flipped and co-learning experiences, and virtual reference tools, libraries can continue to demonstrate the importance of reference skills.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
• Identify the opportunities presented by changes in public technology use
• Determine strategies for integrating technology in the reference workflow
• Be able to tie reference service into long-term plans for comprehensive library service
Wednesday, 30 April 2014, 4pm – 5pm IST
Are you happy with the content on your web site? Is there a consistent voice and message across the whole site? Is all of your site's content accurate and up-to-date? Is it clear who is in charge of which content, and how often new content should be posted? Do staff responsible for creating content have the skills, time, and support they require to do so successfully? Is there a clear process for vetting new kinds of content?
If you answered “No” to any of these questions, never fear: content strategy to the rescue!
This webinar will help attendees develop their own content strategy for creating and managing content of all types across a typical library web site. Improve the overall web experience for your customers and make life easier for staff!
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