
Libfocus is a communal blog with a broad and open-minded take on all subjects relating to library and information science. Since its inception in 2011, libfocus has been providing an online space where library and information professionals can share stories and ideas and develop relationships, build networks and engage with library communities worldwide.
The blog is maintained by Alexander KoukerEilĂ­s O'Neill, Hardy Schwamm, Laura Ryan, Martin O'Connor, Ronan Cox and  and also features posts by guest contributors on a regular basis. If you would like to submit a guest post, see our how-to-submit-a-blog-post page. If you have any other queries or suggestions, please email libfocusblog[at]gmail[dot]com.
The libfocus site receives an average of 7.6k visits a month and has received over 1.3 million visits to date. Keep an eye on the Libfocus Twitter and LinkedIn accounts where we share the blog posts as well as interesting articles and resources we come across.


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