Guest Post by Blazej Kaucz and Mona Power on behalf of the UCC Library CPPD Group.
“Libraries: Connecting Minds and Cultivating Wellness”
Date: 11th of April 2024
Venue: Creative Zone, UCC Library, University College Cork
This year’s UCC Library Seminar explores the critical role that libraries play in promoting and supporting well-being and engagement. Libraries are not just repositories full of books but vibrant spaces that impact the lives of individuals and communities.
The event will shed light on innovative library practices that enhance patrons’ quality of life, in both academic and non-academic settings. Our speakers will offer a range of perspectives, considering the viewpoints of libraries as well as the communities they serve.
The seminar is open to library staff at any grade working in any type of library, students or recent graduates in information and library studies, or anyone who has an interest in libraries.
The keynote speaker is Marta Bustillo, Digital Learning Librarian (University College Dublin).
10:00 Registration and morning refreshments
10:45 Welcome and introduction
11:00 Keynote speaker - Marta Bustillo (University College Dublin) “Digital well-being: A necessity or a luxury?”
11:45 Second speaker - Wiktor Owczarek (ABC EduLibrary)
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Third Speaker - Andrea Bickerdike (Munster Technological University)
14:00 Fourth speaker - Hayley O'Connell Vaughan (University College Cork Students' Union)
14:45 Panel Discussion (all speakers)
15:30 Closing remarks
We aim to make this conference a welcoming, inclusive event and as accessible as possible.
Please contact us at if you have any questions or requests.
To register, and for further information about location particulars, please visit UCC Annual Library Seminar 2024.
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