Images featured in this month's libfocus linkout articles |
Welcome to the July edition of the Libfocus link-out, an assemblage of library-related things we have found informative, educational, thought-provoking and insightful on the Web over the past while.
Social media has changed, will academics catch up?
This piece by Mark Carrigan on the LSE blog looks at how Twitter has changed since its purchase by Elon Musk. Organic engagement has become more difficult as the platform nudges users towards its 'blue tick' subscription model. Users relying on Twitter as their main social media platform will need to explore other options as the reliability of the service declines rapidly.
Recent Developments in Archiving Reproductive Health
This article by the Digital Repository of Ireland looks at the Archiving Reproductive Health project which is coordinated by the Digital Repository of Ireland. The project aims to preserve digital material created by grassroots organisations working for reproductive justice in Ireland, especially during the 2018 referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment of the Irish constitution.
Blog: Delightful Devices: the art of the printer's mark
This blog by Rachel Daly explores the art of printer's device - an identifying visual or textual mark in a book that tells us all about the history of the book and it's maker. Using UCD Special Collections' materials, Daly give us a trip through the history of the early book trade.
Podcast: Meet our (almost) six-year-old librarian
If you ask Hannah Jean what would be her greatest wish, she will say running Brooklyn Public Library. Last month, she got to do just that. The Borrowed podcast talks to Hannah Jean and her librarian, introducing us to libraries from the eyes of an (almost) six-year-old and her big idea for arranging library books.
Do LIS Programs Prepare Future Librarians for Real-World Challenges?
With the onslaught of pressures facing librarians today, how are library and information science programs preparing the next generation of graduates?
How to preserve, cite, and design websites for the long-term future
Web content is ephemeral; this blog is a three-part series exploring different ways of ensuring that websites are around for the long-term future. It also provides advice for researchers on creating persistent citations to web content.
An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing Version 2.0
Combining guidance from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions' (IFLA) Code of Ethics, this updated policy document provides a framework for ethical library publishing.
Should Academic Libraries Worry about Futureproofing?
'Your library has a clear vision for futureproofing that takes into account technological and socio-political trends'. How would you rate your level of agreement with this statement? Ioana Hulbert discusses these findings from the 2022 Ithaka S+R Library Survey.
Browsing for Images? Search Filters Are Your Friend
The images that stick with us the most tend to be those we find by chance. Virginia Seymour reasons that’s where search filters come in.
Toward a Framework for Information Creativity
Mark Dahlquist suggests that the principle of information creativity is an important complement to information literacy. Mark offers some initial suggestions as to what a framework for information creativity might entail, and proposes that an emphasis on information creativity could both highlight the familiar association between libraries and creativity and inspire a theory and practice of creativity that strengthens traditions of democratic social progress.
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