18 Sept 2012

#irelibchat: Information Literacy - Weds 26th Sept 2012, 8:00-9:00pm

After a 'summer' break, #irelibchat returns next Wednesday, 26th September 8-9pm, with the topic of information literacy as suggested by @johnmac38.

Below are some suggested topics to steer the discussion but the chat will probably be a little more informal than previous sessions, so feel free to share any other ideas or questions relating to the theme. For those new to the concept of Twitter chats, simply search for the #irelibchat hashtag on Twitter to join in the dicussion, and remember to tag your own tweets with #irelibchat also.
  1. How do you identify the information skills and literacy needs of your users?
  2. What models or standards inform your information literacy/skills instruction?
  3. What skills do librarians need to support IL effectively?
  4. Do you use or share Open Educational Resources (OERs) in your IL instruction?
  5. What is the biggest challenge or change you envisage for IL instruction in the future?
A couple of interesting links on the topic include a recent survey by @msnancygraham and @jsecker on Librarians, Information Literacy and Open Educational Resources and an article on Embedding information literacy skills as employability attributes from the latest issue of ALISS Quarterly. For more information on Twitter chats, check out How (and Why) to Participate in a Tweetchat.


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